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All content © Anna Franklin, unless otherwise stated | Sed vulputate

Lear Books Pagan Publishing
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Lear Books

Self Published Titles

Lear Books

Though I have been a full time author for a long time, with many credits to my name including the Sacred Circle Tarot (Llewellyn),  Herb Craft (Capall Bann), Pagan Ways Tarot (Schiffer), and The Hearth Witch’s Compendium (Llewellyn), the business of publishing of often a frustrating one for the writer.

Readers sometimes mistake the books an author has had published for the books the author wants to get published, when in fact, they are only the books that a publisher is willing to publish.

I’ve lost count of the number of times a publisher has asked me to dumb down my books with the words 'that's too difficult for the reader, take that out and put some spells in' or 'angels/crystals/fairies/Celts are popular, can you write a book about angels/crystals/fairies/Celts?'. If you are trying to earn a living, you sometimes have to bite the bullet, and do it as honourably as you can.

However, more and more authors are self-publishing works, alongside their more mainstream books, supplying a smaller but more discriminating audience.

To this end, I self-publish some titles under the Lear Books imprint, and you can get these directly from me. The first book under the imprint was Hearth Witch (2004), a phrase I invented to describe my own way of living magically with the natural world. They also include some works previously published by mainstream publishers, but restored to my intended original form, such as Midsummer and Lughnasa (previously published as Midsummer and Lammas by Llewellyn.

You can find these under the Lear drop down menu, as well as in the Anna’s Books drop down menu from the tabs above.