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Magical Incenses and Oils

By Anna Franklin

Rising smoke has always been associated with prayer rising to the Gods, whether from the domestic hearth, the Pagan altar, the Druid’s needfire or the Catholic church’s incense burner.

Incenses and . oils work on several levels:. The first level is the effect it has on the mood of the magician. Any aromatherapist will tell you that perfumes affect the emotions. They may be stimulating or calming, soothing or invigorating, raise or depress the spirits. In magical terms, this has been developed into such a fine art that the aromatherapy idea of either stimulating or relaxing is, by comparison, crude in the extreme.

On a secondary level, a perfume may have certain associations for the person who experiences it. There is a famous story of the philosopher Proust who smelled the baking of madeleine cakes and it powerfully brought back to him all the experiences and emotions of his childhood.  If you associate certain perfumes with a ritual setting, it can induce the mood required and concentrate the mind on the task in hand. If you condition yourself to associate different perfumes with different rituals or deities this will act as a subconscious short cut.

Thirdly, on a more profound level, is the effect of the vibration of the perfume. When something vibrates at a certain frequency, any object near it will begin to vibrate with the same frequency, a principle used in both healing and in magic. Each plant, like every crystal or stone, has a particular vibration. When we use plants for incense making we really mean using the combined vibrational force of the chosen plants rather than their medicinal qualities, or their perfumes. When we use an incense or oil it is for the purpose of changing the vibration of the atmosphere to the level needed for a specific magical operation, not because it has a ‘nice smell'.


Chapter 1- Why use Incense?

Chapter 2 – Making Incense

3 Chapter 3 – Collecting Ingredients

Chapter 4 Herbal A-Z

Chapter 5 – Deity Incenses

Chapter 6 – Elemental Incenses

Chapter 7 – Planetary Incenses

Chapter 8 – Astrological Incenses

Chapter 10 – Love Incenses

Chapter 11 – Moon Incenses

Chapter 12 –Psychic Work Incenses

Chapter 13 – Purification and Cleansing

Chapter 14 – Group Rituals

Chapter 15 – Healing Incenses

Chapter 16 – Incense for Personal Workings

17 – Chapter 17 – Sabbat Incenses

Chapter 18 – Magical Oils

Chapter 19 – Essential Oils A - Z

Chapter 20 – Magical Oil Recipes

Chapter 21 – Colouring Oils

Chapter 22- - Sundries

Appendix - Correspondences

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1 part ash wood

¼ part bay leaves

½ part cloves

1 part copal

1 part orange peel

Few drops orange oil

¼ part coriander powder

Pinch dragon’s blood

2 parts frankincense

1 part galangal root

2 parts red sandalwood

¼ part ginger powder

3 parts crushed juniper berries

½ part marigold petals

½ part rosemary

SUN #1

2 parts acacia resin

3 parts frankincense

½ part orange peel

1 part myrrh

2 parts red sandalwood

½ part rosemary

¼ part cinnamon bark

1 part benzoin

Few drops cedar oil


½ part thyme

3 parts red sandalwood

1 part red rose petals

Few drops bergamot oil

Few drops lavender oil

½ part lavender flowers

½ part basil

Published by Capall Bann

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