All content and illustrations © Anna Franklin unless otherwise specified | Email Anna
Silver Wheel 1
Edited by Anna Franklin
Traditional Rites and Ceremonies of May Day Britain by Nigel Pennick
Wise Women and Fairy Doctors in Hidden Ireland by Dr Bob Curran
The Herfest Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Betrothal Ceremony by Kat Clegg and Daniel Bran Griffith
The Imbolc Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
A Meeting with Paskunji and an Audience with Ghemerti by Dr Michael Berman
The Lughnasa Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Picking Blackberries by Jean Dark
The Peace Labyrinth by Jean Dark and Tim Goodwin
Science and Paganism - a Personal Journey by Sally Singer-Fraser
Wicca and Exorcism by Peter Nash
The Ostara Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Sad-eyed Lady of the Badlands by Bella Basura
Summer Solstice Ritual by Chattering Magpie
The Beltane Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Through the Veil at Summer's End by Daniel Bran Griffith
Yule Ritual by Loretta Merry
The Coamhain Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Reflections on Soul, Spirit and Energy by Ron Ford
The Esbat Hearth Witch by Paul Walton
Cleaning the Witch Way by Soraya
Moon Gardening by Lucie Belikova
The Feast of the Flame by Wade Mac Morrighan
Pluto, Lord of the Invisible Realms by Alison Chester-Lambert
Breads by Paul Walton
Making a Notebook Cover by Jean Dark
Gerald Gardner and the New Forest Coven by Michael Howard
The Healthy Diet Conundrum by Anna Franklin
Crosswords by Yvette Davies
Anthology of Paganism, magic, Craft and Druidry by leading authors
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